Love Unleashed: 90 Days to Make True Love Inevitable

Is the program for sensitive, intuitive and empathetically badass babes ready to break the karmic loop of disappointment in love and experience the deeply fulfilling holy union that’s truly meant for her.

You're here because...

● No matter how good things look in the beginning, the “other shoe” always drops and you're left wondering what the heck that was.

● You’d rather stick a fork in your eye than put yourself  "back out there" or start swiping again. 

● You’re so OVER the same shit over and over. 

● Your romantic life is flat out going the complete opposite of how you imagined it would be, you honestly thought you'd be with your person by now.

● The last few times you tried have left you feeling embarrassed, foolish and jaded and not eager to try again.

● You go to bed at night with a lump in your throat wondering “why the F can’t I just find love?”


Let me guess...

● You find dating to be draining and a waste of your precious time and energy after feeling like you’ve given your all only to still be single.

● You're tired of all the stupid rules, mind games and disingenuous people online and offline.

● You want to feel hopeful but you're more scared than excited.

● You're at the point where you'd pretty much rather chew glass than confuse a life lesson for a soulmate again.

● You wish you could just meet your person already without having your heart broken or dealing with another  dude, dud or wolf in sheep's clothing.

● Love is starting to feel like something you're not meant to have because the bubble always bursts.

Imagine for moment if you could...


● Discover the feminine principles that high-value men get down on one knee for and understand the feminine behaviors that draw high quality men to her like a bee to honey.

Stack the deck in your favor by learning what 90% of  women don’t know that they don’t know about the critical differences between men and women, that will make you stand out in a sea of millions.

● Start the next level of your love life on an energetic  “clean slate”.

● Free up precious space in your body, mind, and heart to let new love in and get past your past for good.

● Learn my secrets to creating an endless vortex of interest and experiencing a whole other stratosphere of dating.

● Say goodbye to dating guys who bring out your “trust issues” and make you feel hard to love and say hello to a man who treats you like gold because he knew you’re the answer to his prayers the second he saw you.


In  Love Unleashed: 90 Days to Make True Love Inevitable

I’ve so got you covered babe!


I'll show you everything I did that finally transformed the dudes, duds and disappointment to meeting my true match just when my little heart was about to give up after being ghosted a week before Valentine's Day.


Buttercup, YOU DON’T find love BY ACCIDENT, nor by wishing, hoping or waiting.


True love is not a fairytale, but if you find yourself in a loop of disappointment waiting for it to just happen is…


I'd be honored to take you off the beaten path and show you how you’ve had the keys to the kingdom all along and teach you what it takes to reign supremely over your love life like the total babe that you are.

If you've ever wanted to push a giant reset button on your love life and actually enjoy the journey...

I  can teach how to go further, faster with way more grace, joy and ease.

Meet Your Host...
Hey sweet soul, I'm Tiina a.k.a.
The Love Mystic.

I believe no soul comes here without it's equal opposite, and that's why I help you overcome your wounded love programming so you can finally experience your dream come true.

My mission is simple...

To be a guide out of karmic relationships and a light house towards true love.

I'm here to heal hearts and raise the love frequency of this realm.

And in case no one has told you today:
you're a miracle.

***The bottom two testimonials have been abbreviated. Scroll to the end of the page for the full versions.

This program is for you if... 


You’re a sensitive, empathetic, sweet yet sassy soul who knows you give away that big, beautiful heart of yours too quickly and tend to lose yourself in relationships.

● The moment you like a guy, he turns and runs, or the ones you like never like you back.

● You've experienced a cycle of emotionally unavailable partners, narcissists, or guys who need therapy and goodness gracious great balls of fire you never want to do that again.

● You've watched too many promises go up in flames and you just don't know where it keeps going wrong.

● You've ever felt like you're the one they go through before they settle down.

● You’ve spent a lot time trying to figure this out on your own, and what you thought would help just isn't helping.

If you're ready to...

● Dive deep and  go the distance with yourself to learn what you don't know you don't know so you can get to true love faster with way more joy and grace.

● Let go of your core wounding around love and stand powerfully in your true worth, beauty and magnificence, so you can be wowed, wooed and bewildered by increasingly wonderful men along the way.

Sky-rocket your confidence around men and be able to clearly communicate your wants, needs and desires without freezing or getting anxious or nervous anymore.

● Let go of any lingering doubt about what you came here to experience and claim your new love identity as a high-value, highly pursued woman who turns heads everywhere she goes.

● Get the support + do what it takes to make sure you end up in the arms of your dream come true


Then I invite you to join me in...

Love Unleashed: 90 Days to Make True Love Inevitable

Where you'll learn the secrets to putting the joy, wonder and whimsy back into your journey to love. 

Together we'll...


● Sky-rocket your confidence and natural feminine allure by learning the feminine behaviors that high-value men find utterly intoxicating.

● Make sense of your karmic relationship patterns and understand your attachment style so you can stop being attracted to "soul-lessons".

● Understand why the butterflies, “signs”, and chemistry never lead to love and what to hold out for instead.

● Upgrade our subconscious love identity so you can shift into secure attachment with grace, joy, and speed.

● Learn how  to create an endless vortex of interest and sling shot yourself into a whole new stratosphere of dating.

● Understand what it takes for a man to fall truly, madly, sweetly in love.

● Discover through personalized hypnosis what your soul already knows about your true match.

● Discover  a proven strategy to dating for true love that stacks all the final cards in your favor, so you can get to your happily ever after without the hell, hurt, and heartache.

What we do in the 90 days...

Month 1: Breaking the cycle of disappointment in love


Integration Ritual: Quan-Yin Goddess Bath ~ Chinese Goddess Mercy & Compassion

Honor yourself with a powerful ancient Feng-Shui bath ceremony to reset you on the deepest soul level, complete the shedding of your past. Healing frequency playlist included.

Month 2: Becoming the Dream Woman


Integration Ritual: Freya Goddess Bath ~ Norse Goddess of Love & Fertility

A  milk & honey bath like no other to crystalize your transformation so far. Complete with luxurious full body spa instructions and a love frequency playlist.


Month 3Destination, True Love!



 Integration Ritual: Aphrodite Goddess Bath ~ Norse Goddess of Love & Fertility

Commemorate your metamorphosis with the most luxurious bath you’ve ever taken!!! Includes a super sexy mood enhancing playlist and sacred rose ritual before you even step in.
Plus these juicy Bonuses...
  • Online Profile Make-Over Workshop: Secrets to creating a total knock-out online profile that repels time-wasters, sparks intense curiosity and attracts a whole new caliber of man. Hint: It's how you make it easier for your true match to recognize you!
     (Value: $444)

  • Customized Love Attraction Audio:  Just press playcall true love in while you sleep. It's like shining a giant Bat signal into the sky letting true love know where to find you. (Value: $222)

  • Dating for True Love Play Book: The ultimate reference guide to every stage of dating on your journey to true love and that also serves as a cliff notes of the course to keep you on track. (Value: $111)

  • Heart Break Recovery Kit: How to move on from heartbreak with peace, power and clarity- just in case! (Free on website for anyone in need)

In just 90 days you'll...

  • Completely clear any lingering heartbreak, rejection or disappointment that’s causing you to date as a diminished version of yourself & keeping you off true love’s radar.

  • No longer be sucked in the vortex of the anxious/avoidant dating dance, because you’re reprogrammed for secure attachment and won’t settle for anything less.

  • Be armed with an indestructible level of self-worth and feminine allure that commands attention when you walk into a room, and attracts high-quality men to her like a bee to honey

  • Know exactly how to communicate with men in a way that separates you from the pack, and know how to address conflict in a way that actually brings you closer together. 

  • Reset your nervous system and prime your entire being to recognize and receive the love that’s truly meant for you.

  • Be excited about dating again, and have all the necessary resources to make sure you have a blast all the way to the soul-stirring relationship of your dreams.

Introductory Rate!

50% OFF in exchange for feedback and testimonial.

Regular: $3000 USD or 3 x $1111 USD

Right Now: $1500 USD OR 3 x $555 USD

*Book a free 30 min. call with me to APPLY.

More Client Love...

"Tiina has been a highly valued and irreplaceable voice in my life. She listens and continually speaks the truth to remind of how things really are rather than letting me continue on the downward spiral my thoughts often take me on. She supported and coached me through a difficult time, never failing to bring my dark situations into the light.  Tiina helped me process what was going on in my head and in my heart, while also diving into how and why things affect me on such a deep level. My sessions with Tiina have been FILLED with epiphanies and have truly changed the way I view my love life. I consider myself blessed beyond reason to have met her." 

- Laura P.  Toronto, Ontario


"Tiina's love coaching and relationship advice is positively inspiring. She gives me the exact insight I needed to figure out what was really going on. I feel energized as I learn new ways of thinking about things and I always feel better after talking with her. Not to mention she did a few 5-minute energy healings on the chronic pain in my shoulder and now it's gone! I wasn't sure I believed in energy healing until now. I would recommend anyone to get energy healing or love coaching from Tiina, she knows what she's doing." 

-Ave F. Toronto, Canada

"Tiina's coaching helped me find myself and deal with my issue's from past relationships. I even stopped seeing someone while we were working together because I realized he wasn't good for me. I am now happy on my own for the first time and love being in my own company. My friends and co-workers have all noticed a change in me and say that I look so much happier and at peace now. This woman is an amazing coach and I would recommend her to anyone." 

- Belinda P.  Sydney, Australia